Saturday, November 16, 2013

1405: Mates On The Clipship

I won't even pretend these paragraphs fit together somehow
I am sure they are all firing in different directions


Dear little cookie,
     I think I have a question for you, Only one question. And maybe if I could ask you one day, ask you very casually or very seriously, if I could ask you this question & really know the answer, I think I would feel all right about you. Or in other words I would feel settled, I would feel like you weren't a mystery, weren't an issue, weren't a butterfly maker and a heartrate increaser. Only, you know, it is kind of an embarrassing question, kind of a bold one, kind of impertinent & maybe not a very good idea. The closer I am to absolute boldness, the likelier I am to speak my mind wherever, well the likelier I would ask you this question as well, doesn't that make sense? Only I don't really see it on the horizon. The Point is knowing, I think; knowing the answer, getting rid of a riddle even if I don't have to ask for it. If only I knew. If only I understood why you look the way you do, where all the effects came from & what exactly the point was. if I knew that. if I knew that. if I knew that. if I knew that I probably wouldn't even have a blog

so shut up!

Dear Superdubium, family & followers:
     Am I the only one who's starting to get like a creepy, messed up vibe from all this? I mean, I do realise, I'm probably noticing this situation a bit late, a bit later, a little bit after everyone else has, only I think I'm beginning to see how easy this is, how the whole thing Works because I'm getting more & more clues . . .

     Here's the Question:
     Did you invite kids over to your house and let them sleep there? For the people who may have gotten this treatment, did you, maybe, have deep conversations with the people who were sleeping in your house? It gets weirder though. The question is, did you do this to a lot of kids? or a lot of people? Did you try and, I think, create some kind of, deeper? stronger? emotional connection with these people that you got to know? Here's what I know. Here's what I remember. A description & observation from a friend I have, which made you sound like one of their best bosom buddies. Now I have no idea whether there were any slumber parties there, whether you got that partnership through anything beside conversation . . .Only I do know this:

if you are doing that,
are creating these bonds,
on any kind of a regular basis . . .

well then no wonder So-and-So gets treated the way they do
I do not mean to pry here, do not mean to intrude, to try & understand something that offered only a few hints. I don't know everything. I don't have all the facts. Only I do know one Big thing. And it's just. When I start sewing in random, weird accounts that I hear, start weighing a Big fact against all the little ones

it just makes sense

~ ~ ~
This is a question I asked a teacher once:
I asked it anonymously, only I got the answer:
'is it possible to prove that any one poem is bad?'

The answer she gave. Paraphrased:
'No. However, if we take two poems to a group of one hundred people, and we ask the people which they like better, and then ninety-nine of them agree on which poem they like better, there is a reasonable realisation that one has a greater appeal.'

Good answer. And a very good concept.
You know, I wonder what would happen with certain stories if they were brought before Groups of a Hundred people. What if I told them things, told them things that had happened, or even, to make it fairer, if they got multiple sides of the story? I just wonder about those groups of a Hundred people, wonder What would they think? Would some of them side with me? All? a few? most? None? As in, Maybe I've been looking through a stupid filter, or I'm the one guy who liked the horrible poem better. Maybe if you heard my story I would sound like the offender, the sucker, the fool and the bad guy and the one who needs to be taught a lesson, because Maybe all those pains I felt, feelings of 'well why did that happen' and 'well that was unfair,' maybe I'm the one who really deserved them and I should just accept that what has happened is really fair

remember, though
I'm only talking about specific little stories
not like a big, lifelong plot or anything

I need to go to work (soon)

So long~


  1. I've hosted lots of slumber parties for girls I've taught in Sunday School. We mostly watched movies and made cookies. Sometimes there was throwing of fun-sized Snickers bars. Dunno about the rest of the stuff, but it's always been our goal that kids we cross paths with know we are in their corner if they need us. Is that kinda what you were driving at?

    1. O....noooo, that wasn't you....ha ha = )

    2. LOL, no kidding? :) I've never thought you were talking to me specifically on one of these.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
